Did you know that over 80% of all job searches start on Google? When you post your job with ZipRecruiter, we post your jobs to 100+ career sites including Google for jobs! Indeed is not partnered with Google.
How ZipRecruiter Works for Employers
If you are not using the fastest-growing job board with the largest distribution network and over 64 million job alert subscribers, you are missing out on candidates for your job!
- Average hire time on Zip is 17 days VS national average of 45 days
- Rated #1 by employers
- Partnered with 1,500+ additional job sites, including Google for jobs
- Rated #1 Job Search App on Android & iOS
- Over 64 Million Job Alert Subscribers
- The fastest-growing job site in the US
- 30-days month to month (upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time)
- Largest distribution network in the country
- Flat fee for UNLIMITED candidates that we can generate based on your placement level
- Deal-breaker screening questions to weed out unqualified candidates