
Andis AGC2 UltraEdge Detachable Blade Clipper


Andis AGC2 UltraEdge Detachable Blade Clipper


Our most popular 2 Speed clippers. Powerful Super 2 Speed rotary motor excels on heavy coats. Smaller ergonomic shaped housing features a removable drive cap and quieter running make this an upgrade over the AG Super 2 Speed. Operates about 20% faster than the AGC 2 Speed. Available in 5 colors. Includes clipper, #10 UltraEdge blade, oil and extra blade drive.


Recommended For Heavy Use; Entire Body
Strokes Per Minute 3400/4400
Weight 17.5 oz
Blade #10 UltraEdge
Features 20% Faster than 2 Speed


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